Korra Book 1: Chapter 2: A Leaf in the Wind

Come on an auditory adventure with the Ember Island Podcast (Leslie and Barbara) as we analyze, review, and rave about every episode of The Legend of Korra (and Avatar: The Last Airbender) from start to finish!

This discussion includes: Korra's fuse is too short, Pro-Bending, Tenzin hates airball, Korra wants to be where the people are, Bolin and Mako are from the Aladdin school of hard knocks, dead parents?, pokemon arenas, Korra is Season 1 Zuko, Fatal flaws and reactions throughout the series, we analyze why we're more mad at Korra, Epic Jinora, teenagers, Korra does not know the rules at all, proud Tenzin, Korra/Jasmine and Mako/Aladdin, and Zutara 2.0.
This episode includes the second episode of Season 1 of The Legend of Korra: 
Book 1: Air: Chapter 2: A Leaf in the Wind
Contact us at: EmberIslandPod@gmail.com


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