Legend of Korra Series Predictions!

Come on an auditory adventure with the Ember Island Podcast (Leslie and Barbara) as we analyze, review, and rave about every episode of The Legend of Korra (and Avatar: The Last Airbender) from start to finish!

This discussion includes: A new (and old) watcher of Legend of Korra's character and series predictions! We explain the plot of The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea, gush over the pets, girl-crush everyday on Asami, and make wild guesses and assumptions about the series!
Is Mako well-adjusted Zuko? Are Varrick and Julie Team Rocket? Will Bolin bake bread? Stay tuned for future LoK episodes for the answers to these questions and more!

Warning: Some guesses might be very right (or very wrong) and involve some spoilers for the season, so new Korra viewers listen at your own risk!

Contact us at: EmberIslandPod@gmail.com


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